Wednesday, September 26, 2007

value appreciation

This assignment was actually quite frustrating. I tried to keep the shading equal with no gradation, but the slightest difference in pressure on the lead made a large difference. It took a little patience and a lot of concentration to keep the shade consistent with itself. I also ran into other problems making the grey scale. After the eigth shade I would realize that I couldn't make it any darker, and so I would have to begin again.
I thought the shape assignment was a little more fun because there was more freedom to create a larger, more incorporative design. In the scan below, some of the lighter greys did not register, but they are there. I tried to draw more than four different shades of grey, but it gets difficult to make the difference noticeable. I thought this design was more aesthetically pleasing than the grey scale, but if I were to redo it I would possibly leave negative space around the whole image.

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